Our Mission
Live like the Book of Acts! Make disciples!
At Church Underground, our mission, simply put, is the Great Commission. The Great Commission that Jesus gave His disciples is to make disciples of all nations, teaching all people to obey His teachings and actions (Matt. 28:18-20). As followers of Christ, we are to do everything Jesus did and taught, being conformed to His image (Rom. 8:29). But we must never allow ourselves to put the Great Commission before the Great Commandment.
King Jesus told us that the greatest commandment is to love God and love others (Matt. 22:36-40). And the Apostle Paul told us that loving each other fulfills all of the law (Rom. 13:8). As Andrew Murray said, “Loving my brother is the way to real fellowship with God.” Simply put, this is our mission: to love God, love others, and disciple the nations in the teachings of Jesus.
Our faith community also desires to resemble the early church—the church we read about in the Book of Acts and the first few centuries after Christ. In many ways, the modern church has departed from the simplicity and activity of the early church that the initial followers of Christ began.
Jesus promised us that if we made disciples, He would build His church. We pursue the mission of making disciples and trust our Lord to build His church. Often, we think of the church as a building or a formal organization under government-approved status, but the Bible describes the church differently. It describes the church as an assembly of God’s holy ones—His called out people. Anytime these people are gathered together for the purpose of God’s activities, we are the church.
The early church was more of an “underground” faith community. They met in homes over the dinner table, celebrating what they called “The Lord’s Supper.” They shared meals together at every meeting, and there were a multitude of activities where everyone could share and participate in teaching, edification, songs, and prayer. The believers' lives were filled with signs and wonders. They cast out demons, healed the sick, and baptized new converts on a frequent basis.
Our faith community desires to model this early church presented to us in the Scriptures. We engage in street ministry, witnessing Christ to people in public. We host Disciple Groups, Bible studies, and plant home fellowships to meet weekly as the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. We strive to follow the Bible as closely as we can.
Because of this, we have named our faith community "Church Underground" since we are an informal community of believers, just like the early church. We are not "underground" in the sense of being illegal; we are underground in the sense of being informal, like the early church.
An oversimplified description of our process of discipleship looks like this:
Meet a new person interested in God.
Schedule an informal meeting with them to build a relationship over coffee, dinner, or in some other comfortable setting.
Invite them into a Disciple Group, which consists of fifteen weeks of laying the foundations of the faith, ministry activation, equipping, and continuing to build relationship.
Invite them into our faith community, either locally or online.
Feel free to watch the video “What is the meaning of life?” for more information on how we view the mission! Or check out the video of David Wilkerson’s prophecy of the future underground church.