Below is a list of ministries you may explore for additional resources.

Disclaimer: we do not agree with everything all of these ministries teach. Some teachings among these ministries are in conflict with one another or our teachings but any student of the faith knows there are several expressions of Christianity and many controversial topics with multiple viewpoints.

Disciple 2 Disciple

YouTube Channel

Disciple 2 Disciple is a disciple-making movement faith community located in Raleigh, North Carolina, with several house churches. We consider this faith community to be our parent community. We are in close relationship with this community and receive accountability and oversight from them. Our models for church structure and disciple-making are very similar. You will also find that this community uses Discovery Disciple Groups and many of the same tools we have learned from them.

Restoring the Way

YouTube Channel

Restoring the Way is a faith community located in Burlington, North Carolina, with several house churches. We also consider this faith community to be a parent community. We are in close relationship with many members of this community and model much of our own community after theirs.

They are a biblically based community of radical Jesus lovers pursuing to see what we read in the Bible restored to our everyday lives. They believe Jesus gave us a Way we should walk in and it is their passion to discover that Way and live it. Their focus is reaching the lost, making disciples, and building a kingdom community on earth as it is in heaven.

Witness to All the Nations

YouTube Channel

Witness to All the Nations is the ministry that produced the documentary film The Gospel of the Kingdom, which is also available on our Free Movies webpage. We highly recommend watching this movie, which is available for free on their YouTube channel. We are in close relationship with this ministry and share the same heart to disciple the nations with the gospel of the kingdom to hasten the return of Christ (Matt 24:14).

Witness to All the Nations is a team of disciples committed to proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom to all the world as a witness to all nations, to expedite the end of this present evil age and hasten the return of King Jesus, who will institute the Kingdom of God here on earth and bring about the restoration of all things in the age to come.

One Way Gospel

YouTube Channel

One Way Gospel (OWG) Ministry is dedicated to equipping the body of Christ with a steadfast heart for the work of service during our stay here on earth as we eagerly await the return of the King. They strive to activate people, showing how to share the Gospel and how to reach the lost through outreach, one-on-one discipleship, and training events. These discipleship trainings happen in the context of teaching the framework of the Gospel of the Kingdom and the elements of our faith found in Hebrews 6:1-2. We encourage you to visit their website and explore the many tools available for disciples to use.

Deliverance Ministries

This section provides a list of deliverance ministries. We wanted to include a comprehensive list on our website because many people are seeking deliverance from demons, and those who provide deliverance ministry are often booked for extended periods due to the high demand.

We have a personal relationship with Joy Care Center, Holy Fire Disciples, Bob Lucy Ministries, and Keys and Doors Ministry. While we do not have a personal relationship with the other ministries listed, we have heard of them through various sources, typically based on positive recommendations from others or by reading some of their books.

Deliverance ministries often use different approaches, so we suggest reviewing each ministry’s information and praying to God for guidance, as some may have specific strengths or areas of focus.

Equipping Ministries

We’ve grouped the ministries below into a section together, as each of them focuses on discipleship and equipping believers to minister to others.

The Last Reformation

YouTube Channel

The Last Reformation is a movement started in 2011 that is now spreading all over the world. It is about coming back to the Book of Acts. Their focus is on restoring the church to the true gospel and the simple disciple life. They are strong in discipleship, equipping believers to witness for Christ in public places, pray for the sick, cast out demons, share the gospel, baptize, and get people filled with the Holy Spirit. They offer discipleship schools and Kickstart trainings, which you can find on their map at the following website:

Lifestyle Christianity

YouTube Channel

Lifestyle Christianity is a ministry focused on empowering believers to live the life of a Christian as described in the Bible, rather than just being church attendees. They host events called Power & Love, where they train believers to go out into public places, sharing Christ and praying for the sick.

Dan Mohler

YouTube Channel

Dan Mohler is a traveling minister who teaches believers how to live out their identity in Christ. He equips believers to walk in love, share Christ with others in public places, and pray for the sick. He is often found leading Power & Love conferences with Lifestyle Christianity.

John G. Lake Ministries

YouTube Channel

In our opinion, John G. Lake Ministries offers the best training on how to heal the sick. This training is called Divine Healing Technician (DHT) training. They hold in-person events worldwide and also have the recorded DHT training series available on their YouTube channel.

Bible Teachers

Below is a section featuring world-renowned Bible teachers who are considered scholars and highly valued by the body of Christ for their lifetime of work.

Derek Prince

YouTube Channel

Derek Prince was a prominent Bible teacher and author known for his profound teachings on deliverance, spiritual warfare, and foundational Christian doctrines. His ministry, Derek Prince Ministries, focused on equipping believers with practical, biblical insights to live victorious Christian lives. Prince was known for his clear, scripture-based teaching style, addressing topics like the authority of the believer, healing, the work of the Holy Spirit, and God’s covenant with Israel.

A pioneer in charismatic theology, Prince’s work emphasized applying God’s Word to daily life, highlighting themes like breaking generational curses, prayer, and personal holiness. His teachings, many of which remain widely accessible, continue to inspire believers worldwide to deepen their relationship with God and grow in spiritual maturity.

David Pawson

YouTube Channel

David Pawson was a respected Bible teacher and author known for his clear, thorough, and sometimes provocative expository teaching of scripture. His ministry emphasized reading and interpreting the Bible as a cohesive whole, and he was particularly passionate about explaining biblical texts in their historical and cultural contexts. Pawson’s teachings cover a wide range of topics, including discipleship, prophecy, and end times, with a focus on understanding God’s plan for Israel and the church.

Pawson’s approach encouraged believers to engage deeply with scripture, often challenging conventional interpretations to inspire a more authentic and holistic faith. His work continues to influence Christians around the world, motivating them to study the Bible diligently and live according to its teachings.

Day of the Lord // Gospel of the Kingdom// Apocalyptic Gospel // Israel

We’ve categorized the ministries below into a section, as each of them focuses on the coming Kingdom of God, Israel’s place in the Biblical narrative, and the overarching themes of redemptive history. These ministries will be especially helpful in understanding the story of the Bible and God’s overall plan of redemption for humanity.

Daniel Training Network

YouTube Channel

The Daniel Training Network (DTN) is a decentralized network of trainers, disciples, and churches bound by a common vision to equip the saints to persevere in obedience to Jesus through the intense difficulties that will precede the establishment of His kingdom at the Second Coming. To this end, their primary ministry functions are prayer, relationship-building, training, resource development and coordination. They also encourage the use of a small-group training environment that fosters strong relationships.

Apocalyptic Gospel // John Harrigan

YouTube Channel

John Harrigan is a pastor, author, and teacher with a strong focus on biblical eschatology and the early church’s understanding of the kingdom of God. He founded the Gospel of Christ Crucified ministry, which centers on teaching the church’s historical interpretation of Jesus’ return, the resurrection, and the restoration of all things as described in the Bible. Harrigan emphasizes the theological framework of a crucified Messiah who will return in judgment and glory, which he believes has been largely neglected in modern evangelical teaching.

His work encourages a return to foundational doctrines of the apostles and early church fathers, with a particular emphasis on understanding prophecy, the end times, and the kingdom of God as core to Christian discipleship.

Gospel Training Community // Bill Scofield

YouTube Channel

Bill Scofield is a Bible teacher and speaker known for his in-depth approach to eschatology and biblical prophecy. His ministry focuses on helping believers understand the scriptures from a historical and prophetic perspective, with particular emphasis on the end times and the return of Jesus. Scofield seeks to ground his teachings in a clear, scriptural basis, often exploring the role of Israel, the church, and the unfolding of God’s redemptive plan as revealed in the Bible.

Through his teachings, Scofield aims to deepen believers' understanding of biblical prophecy, inspire hope in the promises of God, and encourage the church to live in light of the coming kingdom.

Joel Richardson

YouTube Channel

Joel Richardson is a Bible teacher, author, and filmmaker with a focus on Middle Eastern geopolitics and biblical prophecy. His ministry emphasizes the convergence of current events with scriptural prophecies about the end times, particularly regarding the role of Israel, the Islamic world, and the return of Jesus. Known for his deep knowledge of the Middle East, Richardson often presents a unique perspective that bridges cultural, historical, and theological insights.

Richardson’s work seeks to equip Christians with a clear understanding of end-time events as foretold in the Bible, urging the church to stand in solidarity with Israel, share the gospel globally, and prepare spiritually for the challenges of the last days. His approach encourages believers to view prophecy as central to Christian faith and discipleship in a rapidly changing world.