Jesus is King



Probably one of the most confusing topics to comprehend in contemporary Western Christianity is the idea that the Kingdom of God and the Davidic Kingdom are the same thing.

I was raised in a Methodist Church and went to Bible School at a Full Gospel Bible Institute and mainly participated in charismatic churches after that.

So my worldview of Christianity came mainly from Western gentile concepts.

When my friends that have much more understanding of the Old Testament began to teach me that the Davidic Kingdom is the same thing as the Kingdom of God that Jesus teached about, I struggled intensely for several months with this concept.

I struggled intensely because of the confusion that Western gentile Christianity teaches that the Kingdom of God is somehow just something spiritual or ethereal or it's on the earth now and different things like that to kind of make it into a different concept than the Davidic Kingdom.

But I assure you the Davidic Kingdom, the Messianic Kingdom, and the Kingdom of God are all the same concept through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

The Kingdom of God was the most teached about topic by our Lord Jesus Christ. This Kingdom is also referenced in Daniel 7 as the Messianic Kingdom. And this Kingdom is also referenced in 2nd Samuel 7 as the Davidic Kingdom.

This is also the same thing as the restoration of Israel which will take place at the End of the Age.

We know that the Kingdom of God has not yet been established on the Earth & the Messiah is not reigning in His kingdom yet, and the Davidic kingdom is still dismantled.

We know this because Jesus is the Messiah-King and He is not seated on David's throne in Jerusalem. He is in heaven seated at the right hand of the Father still waiting to inherit the Davidic kingdom.

We can see it in this verse here when Jesus's disciples asked if it was time to restore Israel & establish the Davidic Kingdom.

So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” -Acts 1:6

If you read on Jesus made it clear to them that it was not yet the time for the Kingdom of God.

So we can clearly see from the conceptual understanding of this one main line concept all throughout scripture that the Messianic Kingdom, the Kingdom of God, the Davidic Kingdom and the restoration of Israel are all the same thing.

And this will take place at the end of the Present Age. As Jesus tells us in the Great Commission in Matthew 28 He will be with us until the end of the Age. In which He will come back in His full glory and power to restore Israel, establish the Kingdom of God on the earth reigning from David's throne in Zion.

In Ephesians 3 Paul tells us about a mystery revealed which is that gentiles receive the ability through the Anointed One to inherit the restored Israel just like Abraham's children.

This is a radical concept as Israel never would have thought for a second that other nations in the world would be able to inherit the Davidic Kingdom.

This seemed to be a very contrary idea since the Kingdom of Israel was in contrast & set apart from all the other kingdoms in the world.

But yet in Christ Jesus, gentile ethnic groups getting born again by water and spirit into the Anointed One Jesus of Nazareth become citizens of this Messianic Kingdom and will inherit the promises of Israel just the same

If you don't understand how these four concepts are one, it makes you very confused when you read the Bible.

One of the main problems you can see caused by this confusion is that Western gentile Christianity puts a hyper focus on going to heaven, which is actually just a temporary waiting place until Israel is restored, the devil is defeated, and the Kingdom of God is established on the Earth and it's safe to come back & reign with our Lord and Messiah.

The hyper focus on going to heaven when you die kind of eliminates the majority of the promises from the Bible that are all pointing towards that Age to Come with the restoration of all things & the establishment of the Kingdom of God on the Earth. (Acts 3:19-21)

In a sense it really removes the hope that God's word intends to give you when you read it.

Our hope should be in this Messianic Kingdom, the resurrection of the dead with new bodies to inherit this Kingdom, and reign on the Earth with the heavens and the earth created new cleansed of sin.

Abraham's hope wasn't heaven. It was a city in which the builder and maker is God (Hebrews 11:10).

This city is described in great detail in Revelation 21:10 - 22:5.


To end I want to encourage you that if these concepts don't make sense at the present moment please don't feel left behind. I just began to understand these things about a year ago.

God has raised up many great teachers in this present time that are now teaching deeply on these topics.

For me it was so hard and it took so much of me studying the Bible for myself to come out of the concepts I was taught in Western gentile Christianity and understand what the Kingdom of God really is as it was revealed through the patriarchs and prophets in the Old Testament.

"Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures." - Luke 24:27

Jesus is King! Much love!


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